OpenAPI Center

A tool for helping to manage APIs in Organizations

Centralized Repository

All of your APIs in a single place


Possible to send updates from pipeline

Day-to-day tools

Stored request, API versions, etc...

OpenAPI Center

This is a set of tools composed of Self-hosted Web Application and plugins for communication with the server.
It’s aimed to software developers, testers, project managers and related areas.

Basic Idea

The server application is a centralized repository for all APIs from the organization.
It’s fed with support of its plugins, idealy during the build pipeline.
The other features come on top of that, since we have the OpenAPI stored.

Learn more at Features


The simplest way to run it is through Docker + Kubernetes, and using helm charts.

Pre-requiment: Have docker or other container running, with Kubernetes available

  1. Clone (or download as zip) the Ops repository on Github
    • Alternativally, download the of only the required folder:
  2. Navigate to ops/helm-chart
helm install openapi-center .\helm-chart\


The source is available at:

Code is still being published


All the documentation (and the project itself) is still under development

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